We, the Maewo Telecommunications Committee (Inc.) (referred to as the MTC), are a community- led, incorporated charitable association committee under the Vanuatu Charitable Associations (Incorporation) Act [CAP.140]. We aim to empower communities to seek relationships with NGOs, Governmental agencies, and other non-profits in order to find creative solutions for telecommunication needs on Maewo Island while building the capacity of our own islanders and sharing lessons learned with other islands facing similar telecommunications issues.
This incorporation has been formed with individual community members chosen by their village, in collaboration with US Peace Corps volunteers, and serves the MTC to enable due process, inclusion, transparency and accountability for the isolated and underserved peoples of Maewo Island. The MTC will work to give Maewo communities a voice in future developments of telecommunications on the island through consensus-based decision making and planning.
Although some forms of telecommunications currently exist on Maewo, mobile voice is limited, especially in East Maewo, and broadband internet access is almost non-existent on our island. Schools, government offices and health facilities are currently unable to connect electronically with government offices. Bridging these connections with reliable telecommunications will improve our educational opportunities, monitoring of services, and health outcomes—thus, helping to end needless deaths and to advance long-term economic, social and community development prospects.
Our Vision Statement was created in Bislama, and is available here in English, translated by our Peace Corps friends: To have good access to telecommunication services on Maewo Island so that we, the people of Maewo, can communicate with the outside world and have easy access to accurate information at all times
In Bislama:
Blong gat gudfala akses long telekomiunikesen netwok long Maewo Aelan we hemi givim mifala ol pipol wan wei blong komiuniket wetem aotsaed wol mo gat isi akses long stret infomesen oltaem